We’ve all heard the saying, “New Year, New You.” We know what it means individually and we know what it means when we are part of a larger effort. It’s that time to evaluate what’s working well, build on those activities and make adjustments in the areas needing improvement. It’s that exercise plan we’ve been putting off, the smart food choices we need to get serious about and the social engagements we are definitely going to prioritize in the New Year. This year will be different. We are committed. We are all in.
The same principle applies to our professional lives. The New Year provides a clean start, where you can up your game, socialize your plans and intentions and establish the framework that will drive results making this year the most rewarding and productive in recent memory.
The accomplishments you aspire to deliver both in your personal and professional lives are attainable in the New Year. They will require the right plan and commitment. As grand as these goals are, one thing is for sure, they will not be accomplished alone. You will want and need the support of others. You will need to “Lead into the New Year” at a higher level than ever before if you want to deliver results that are equally impressive.
The New Year provides the perfect time to commit to a Leadership Plan. If you don’t have a formalized leadership strategy, now is the time to establish one. If you have one, but need to refresh it or revive it, heed the moment. Personally, I have a formalized Leadership Plan, rooted in 5 Leadership Pillars. I highly recommend you establish your own strategy, grounded in the principles you hold most valuable and socialize this strategy to those who will be a part of your leadership journey.
Before I share my 5 Pillars, I’d like to recommend some Key Considerations as you define and craft your own.
- More is not always better. Recognize what you can be “great” at and set your target there. Ten strategies performed average may diminish the opportunity to excel at five.
- Be intentional in your leadership efforts.
- Fail faster and together. This year, have the courage to live into this.
- Your leadership impact transcends your initial investment. When done well it provides the motivation that moves others to motivate their communities beyond YOUR reach.
- YOU learn and develop when you teach and develop others.
- Leaders develop leaders who ultimately will add meaningful value and stay committed to the cause.
Finally, formalize your Leadership Strategies and Principles and set yourself and your team up for success in the New Year.
Below, I offer you my 5 Leadership Pillars as a humble starting point on your personal leadership mission.
- Provide Clear Direction
- Make it matter. Clear directions and expectations lead us feeling the time we invest is meaningful and contributes toward the goal in a productive way.
- Real Communication
- When it’s raining, acknowledge it together. When it’s sunny, celebrate. Make sure your team hears from you when the weather is changing.
- Inspire
- People inherently want to impact and commit to things bigger than themselves as well as support causes. Ensure your team members are motivated by the details their impact will have.
- Invest in your Team’s Development
- Better team, better results. It’s that simple.
- Establish Ownership
- Leaders need leaders on their team. Instill the confidence in your team to take ownership. Not only is their work-product elevated, but so is their sense of worth.
John Stare
*Vice President of Sales, Global Walmart & Sam’s Club – Pharmavite
*Title and company of the author reflect their position at the time article was written.
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